Monday, May 31, 2010

Blow Wind Blow~

A LARGE thorn in the side of Singapore-Malaysia relations was removed yesterday as leaders of both countries took big strides towards resolving a two-decade-old dispute over land owned by Malayan Railway (KTM) in Singapore. The two prime ministers told reporters that they had agreed to move the existing railway station from Tanjong Pagar to the Woodlands train checkpoint by July next year, and had sorted out how the redevelopment of the railway land left behind would be dealt with.

The old station was completed in 1932. It's kind of sad that the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station will be relocated as the railway station is full of history but I read that the building will be preserved by the National Heritage Board. I have never been to the railway station but I hope to visit the railway station in the near future before it stops operating or when it reopens as some sort of heritage building. Moving the railway station is probably a win win situation for both Singapore and Malaysia as Singapore can maximize the space for future developments and Malaysia can also build a station nearer to their coast so that it will be more convenient.


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